Sunday, November 15, 2009

And Relax.

So, my teaching prac is over! It already feels 'long ago' because I've been instantly thrown back into assignments.

Unfortunately, even though I'm fairly anonymous here, I don't feel like I can summarise it to the extent I want to, just in case. It makes me really nervous, just in case I say the 'wrong thing'.

Let's just say that I enjoyed it, it was stressful sometimes, fun sometimes, and I feel my skills have improved dramatically. I had some concerns about behaviour management, but I managed to improve a lot especially in the last few days. The kids were great and I'm going to miss them, even the 'naughty ones'. They made me and my fellow student teacher an autograph book card, and had been sneaking out all day! They were asking me if they could go to the toilet and I was getting annoyed about how many needed to go. They were in actuality, signing the cards. Aw.
I don't know how or when she managed to tell the class about it since one of us was in the class all day!

One of the boys who has huge issues, and I really do wish him the best (though I think he needs some help to achieve that), made us a card, but the printer was broken so we had to just read it.
We gave the kids freddo frogs, which seemed contradictory to my Healthy Eating unit of work I had to organise, but ah well, moderation?

On Wednesday we had a Healthy Eating party, and I'm thrilled to announce that those kids who tell me they don't eat healthy food because they don't like it, or 'just don't', loved the sandwiches I was making with them, and also loved the honey and banana low calorie yoghurt I gave too! When I had been telling them I ate yoghurt for breakfast they were all 'ewwwww!'- I think I've converted them! :D I think the reality is that they just aren't given it, and don't know what it's like.

There's a lot of socio economic issues like that in the school. Something I loved was that I could start dialogues and provide experiences that they haven't had before. And I think they now all know that hotdogs aren't 'healthy'. I'm sad that I ran out of time for SO many things. I wish they hadn't put us in a pair, but it's not like we're the only ones who were in a pair. And as far as pairs go, we got along well. I was nervous about it at first but I think we worked as a team.

And we managed to spill salsa all over the floor. I'd given it to one of the boys (they love feeling all manly. It's hilarious. I offered it 'can anyone stronger than me open this?', not 'can you open this because you're a boy', don't worry) to open and he was opening it sideways. Just as I warned him... SPLOOSH all over the floor, my pants, my feet. Ah well I did the same thing the next day with my pasta!

My report is very good. :D I think it's very complimentary (yet true) and also has the very useful part where it mentions that I mainly taught Health and Maths. Why is it useful? Because my major is for teaching English and SOSE. This shows that I can be versatile, and that I take all subjects seriously, not just my favourites. There's a tip for student teachers out there- if you want to expand, make sure that you have evidence of your expansions! And get as much practice as possible with different subjects- remember you'll be teaching those too!

I feel I have a much better grasp on Maths now, which is excellent. I was so nervous about it.

There's a lot more that I'd want to tell, but I think it'll have to wait until later. Feel free to ask questions!

But for now, I have to stop pretending that just because the lights are dim in this room it's early in the morning, and accept that it's later, and I need to do some essay writing now so I can finish on Friday for the semester.

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